Rev. Jeremy Troxler became Lead Pastor of Guilford College UMC in July 2019. Jeremy is Margaret’s husband, Ada and Della’s daddy, an ordained elder in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, a child of his family’s tobacco farm in Brown Summit, NC, a former Morehead Scholar at UNC-Chapel Hill, a graduate of Duke Divinity School, a lover of books and the outdoors, the owner of a rambunctious beagle mutt named Jasper and a grumpy cat named Skittles, and a fan of the Tarheels and the Braves. Jeremy previously served in ministry as pastor of Spruce Pine UMC in the mountains of western NC, as the Director of the Thriving Rural Communities Initiative at Duke Divinity School, as pastor of Maggie Valley UMC in Maggie Valley, NC, and as the President’s Assistant serving on the island of Jersey within the Methodist Church of Great Britain. Jeremy longs for all people to know God's amazing grace made available to us through Jesus and his Way.
To contact Jeremy: or call (336) 292-5833 ext. 11.