Our Staff

  • Rev. Jeremy Troxler, Senior Pastor at Guilford College UMC, Greensboro

    Rev. Jeremy Troxler

    Senior Pastor

    Rev. Jeremy Troxler became Lead Pastor of Guilford College UMC in July 2019. Jeremy is Margaret’s husband, Ada and Della’s daddy, an ordained elder in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, a child of his family’s tobacco farm in Brown Summit, NC, a former Morehead Scholar at UNC-Chapel Hill, a graduate of Duke Divinity School, a lover of books and the outdoors, the owner of a rambunctious beagle mutt named Jasper and a grumpy cat named Skittles, and a fan of the Tarheels and the Braves. Jeremy previously served in ministry as pastor of Spruce Pine UMC in the mountains of western NC, as the Director of the Thriving Rural Communities Initiative at Duke Divinity School, as pastor of Maggie Valley UMC in Maggie Valley, NC, and as the President’s Assistant serving on the island of Jersey within the Methodist Church of Great Britain. Jeremy longs for all people to know God's amazing grace made available to us through Jesus and his Way.

    To contact Jeremy:  jtroxler@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call (336) 292-5833 ext. 11.

  • Rev. Susan Suarez-Webster, Associate Pastor at Guilford College UMC, Greensboro

    Rev. Susan Suarez Webster

    Associate Pastor

    Rev. Susan Suarez Webster is pleased to be appointed as Associate Pastor in the summer of 2020.  Susan was raised in the United Methodist Church in Syracuse, NY.  She studied Spanish at Syracuse University, and completed graduate studies in Bible and Missions at Columbia International University.  She then served for 15 years as a missionary in Mexico, teaching Scripture and discipleship, leading outreach efforts, and planting new churches.  After returning to the United States, Susan received her Masters in Library Science from the University of South Carolina, became a licensed local pastor in the United Methodist Church in June 2011, and completed the Course of Study at Duke Divinity School. 


    Prior to coming to our church, Susan served as an Associate Minister at Central United Methodist Church in Charlotte.  During that time she worked extensively to help the church create community partnerships, to bridge gaps of culture and language among neighbors, and to serve the spiritual and material needs of the diverse East Charlotte community, particularly its immigrant population. 


    Susan is married to Tim Webster and they have two grown sons.  Tim, like Susan, is also a United Methodist minister, serving the Trinity Parish in our area.


    In July 2020, Susan was awarded the Denman Evangelism Award by the Western North Carolina Conference.  Susan loves sharing her faith with those whom the Lord brings into her life, and prays that she will be God's instrument to convey love and grace in this world, and that she will completely trust God to use and equip her for building God's kingdom.

    To contact Susan:  ssuarezwebster@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call (336) 292-5833 ext. 18.

  • Donna Ford is Director of Christian Education at GCUMC and leads active ministries for many age groups.

    Donna Ford

    Director of christian education

    Donna joined the staff in 1999 and feels blessed to be in ministry here. She is responsible for overseeing the educational needs of all ages in the church, including Nursery, Sunday School, Curriculum and Resources, Confirmation, Children’s Ministry, and Adult Bible studies. She is also a Stephen Ministry Leader. Donna attended UNC-G and completed graduate studies in Christian Education at Pfeiffer University. She is Certified in Christian Education by The United Methodist Church and is a member of Christian Educators Fellowship. She also serves on the Western North Carolina Conference Deaf Ministry Board of Directors.

    Donna loves living her passion through her vocational call to ministry, and is enthusiastic about nurturing a life-changing, transforming faith in God’s children of all ages. Donna enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, playing golf, and providing visits to hospital patients and a children's reading program with her therapy dog.  

    To contact Donna:  dford@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call (336) 292-5833 ext. 19.

  • Melanie Crump leads a vibrant music ministry at GCUMC and directs many aspects of our worship services.

    Melanie Crump

    Director of Music

    Dr. Melanie Austin Crump, a native of High Point, North Carolina, joined the staff of Guilford College UMC in 2013. She leads worship through music as director of the adult and children’s choirs, the Adult and Jr. handbell teams and the teen praise and worship band. Melanie holds three degrees from Appalachian State University (BM in General Music, MM in Choral Directing, MM in Vocal Performance) and a terminal degree in vocal performance from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. In addition to serving along side other musicians at the church, Melanie teaches music lessons at High Point University and Triple Threat Dance Center. She and her husband Scott enjoy spending time with their 4 rambunctious children; Watson, Lillie Mae, Parran and Anthony.

    To contact Melanie:  mcrump@guilfordcollegeumc.org

  • Laurin Allred

    Director of Young Adult & Connectional Ministry

    Laurin joined the team in Summer 2023. She hails from down the road in Jamestown, NC.  Prior to her role connecting people to each other, the church and (most importantly) Christ, Laurin came from a worship ministry background.  She brings more than a decade of experience in leading worship, dreaming up ways to get people together and creating digital media.  She holds degrees from the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University and Duke Divinity School. 

    When Laurin isn't hanging around the church or its' people you can find her around town running, playing board games with her husband Alan and anyone who will sit at their table, or chasing her two boys Jonah and Daniel.  Laurin is thrilled to share the love of Jesus  by connecting around tables, online, in worship or on the trail!

    To contact Laurin: lallred@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call 336-292-5833 ext 31.

  • Randy Wall is director of youth ministries.

    RAndy Wall

    Director of Youth and College Ministries

    Randy joined the staff in August of 2020 as Director of Youth and College Ministries.  He is a native of eastern North Carolina and a graduate of Guilford College.  He has been involved in youth ministry for over 15 years in various roles.  He is passionate about helping people make discoveries, teaching, and soccer (futbol).  

    He previously worked for Children’s Home Society of NC as a parent and youth educator.  He ran a program called Father’s Matter for six years which helped fathers define their roles in their families.  As a youth educator, he taught a male responsibility program called Wise Guys in the local middle schools.  Randy enjoys hiking, traveling, and playing games with his wife, Amy, and two children, Rachel and Zachary.  He thanks God for the opportunity to be in ministry with adults and youth as they seek God’s will.  

    To contact Randy: rwall@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call (336) 292-5833

  • Amy Wall is church administrator and keeps things running smoothly.



    Amy Wall joined the church staff in 2016 as the Church Administrator. She and her family have been members of Guilford College UMC since 2011. Amy is a Guilford College graduate and has a Masters of Christian Education from Pfeiffer University. She was on the staff of her previous church for over 13 years in Youth and Christian Education Ministries and has served and still serves in several volunteer capacities at GCUMC. She loves spending time with her husband, Randy, and their two children, Rachel and Zachary. Amy enjoys baking, playing games, reading and travel in addition to being a theatre and soccer Mom. She thanks God for the opportunity to share His love with those she encounters everyday. 

    To contact Amy:  awall@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call (336) 292-5833 ext. 23

  • Gloria Brown is Financial Director at GCUMC, where she does a great job in monitoring and communicating our financial status.

    Gloria Brown

    Financial Director

    Gloria is a Certified Public Accountant in the State of North Carolina, currently with an inactive status. She graduated from UNC-G with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. She lives in High Point with her husband and two children ages 24 and 17. She has been a member of Covenant United Methodist Church in High Point since 1996. She was a stay-at-home mom for eight years before coming to work at Guilford College UMC in September, 2008. She loves working in a Christ-centered environment and feels everyone, staff and congregation, are true servants of God. She enjoys coming to work and using her gifts to serve Christ. 

    To contact Gloria:  gbrown@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call (336) 292-5833 ext. 25.

  • Carol Ingram is an Administrative Assistant at the church and is a much-loved and highly-valued church member.

    Carol Ingram

    Administrative Assistant

    Carol has worked in our office over a decade and serves as our Receptionist and Administrative Assistant as well as Membership Secretary and editor of the church’s bi-weekly newsletter.

    Carol is a native of High Point, NC. She graduated from North State Business College with an Associate Degree in Secretarial Science, and was employed as Administrative Assistant at High Point Public Library for 17 years. She has been a member of GCUMC for 35 years, and prior to working in the church office was employed as teacher in the Crib/Toddler room of GCUMC Weekday Preschool. She enjoys reading, exercise, spending time with family, and loves the beach. She has 4 children and 8 grandchildren. 

    To contact Carol:  cingram@guilfordcollegeumc.org or call (336) 292-5833 ext. 12

  • Ginny Williamson is an accomplished accompanist at the church and valued member of the music ministry.

    Ginny Williamson


    Ginny joined the staff of GCUMC in September 2017. She is a native of Woolrich, Pennsylvania, has taught choral and general music at high schools and elementary schools in Texas, New Jersey, Long Island and North Carolina. She also taught music theory and ear training at Penn State University, Guilford College and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Ginny received a piano performance degree with Music Education certification at Mansfield University, a MM in Composition at Southern Methodist University and a MM in Music Theory from the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester She also serves as the music specialist at Florence Elementary in High Point, North Carolina. In 2014, Ginny was the accompanist for the GCS All –County Chorus. Ginny lives in Greensboro with her husband, David and their three children, Sophie, Ben and Ella Teachout.

Drop by and see us!

Someone from our office and administrative staff will be available during the following times.  Individual ministry or programming staff members work varying schedules and locations, so if you are looking to meet someone specific, let the office staff know and they will be happy to help!

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 9:00am-5:00pm; Fri 9:00am-2:00pm