Our Ministries

No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us! You're always welcome here at Guilford College UMC.

  • journey groups

    Journey Groups are GCUMC's small group ministry.  Groups covenant together for one calendar year at a time to meet together to study, pray, share and "watch over one another in love" as John Wesley says.  You know you can count on your group to be alongside you for the journey as you forge faithful, holy friendship.  Registration is in January with groups kicking off in February.  

  • High School students serve by gleaning potatoes during a quarterly missions event.


    "The greatest among you shall be your servant." - Matthew 23:11

    At Guilford College UMC, we take these words to heart and respond by serving in our neighborhoods, city, region, and world.  You'll find us mentoring students from local schools, repairing local homes to make them safe & dry, serving refugee families, travelling to areas impacted by storms, and partnering with sister communities in Africa.  You can find weekly and quarterly opportunities to join us on the Events page. 

  • Children pray during VBS (Vacation Bible School)


    The heart of children's ministry at our church is to teach kids about who God is and how His word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways. Through engaging teaching, supportive environments, and close knit small group classes, we guide kids towards a better understanding of what it means to have a real relationship with God. We want kids to know that the Bible is full of interesting stories that matter in their lives today, that fun and games are definitely allowed at church, that worship can be full of loud music and silly dancing, and that there are adults in the church who truly want to love and lead them closer to Jesus. In other words, we want them to know that where God is, life is a lot more fun!

  • Children dress up for Halloween at the Guilford College UMC Preschool

    Guilford College UMC Preschool

    The GCUMC Preschool is an incredible place for kids to grow, learn, and engage!

    We offer a developmental curriculum which presents both structured and non-structured activities, affording the children a wide variety of hands-on learning opportunities throughout the day.

    For more information, check out our Facebook page or the weekday preschool page on our website.

  • A small group for High School girls poses during a Youth Ministry retreat.


    If you spend any time around our church at all, you'll quickly learn one thing: we love students. They're smart. They're funny. They're bold. And they're bursting with potential. We truly believe that the middle and high school students in our midst are world changers in the making.

    That's why student ministry is such a huge part of what we do at our church. We want to guide our students in developing a personal faith in Christ as they step into their specific roles in the story He's writing with their lives. We work hard to create environments that engage students in good conversation about God, encouraging them to ask questions, search out answers, and truly learn to listen to His leading in their lives. 

  • A young adult & college group during a winter retreat.

    Young Adults

    Navigating life is better when someone's with you on the journey.  In the years after  graduation - whether that means work, college, marriage, kids or whatever - we're here for you.  

    Our young adult ministry is split into two segments: Students & Young Professionals (SnYP) and YAC- Young Adults & Connections.  

    SnYP is for college and graduate students as well as those in their 20's.  SnYP meets every week Sep-May for Bible study and a meal together on Wednesdays, and periodically for social events. During the summer months we pop up everywhere!

    YAC is made up of our young couples and families- primarily those in their late 20's through 30's.  This group meets on third Sunday mornings at 9:45 for food and fellowship and whenever schedules allow for fun. This group is a jumping off point for connecting in the wider church.  

    Spring 2025 newsletter

  • Adults enjoy the Trunk or Treat event for the community at Guilford College UMC, Greensboro


    Don't worry, all the good stuff at our church isn't just for the under 30 crowd! We have plenty of engaging events and gatherings designed to build the faith and community of our adults as well. Young or old, single or married, man or woman—we've got a place for you!

  • The Fellowship Hall is filled during one of our weekly Wednesday Night Out meals at GCUMC.

    Wednesday Night Out

    From September to May, we gather on Wednesdays starting at 5:45 pm for a meal before starting our small group meetings, choir practice, and other ministries.

    Advance reservations are encouraged but not required.