How Will You Serve?

On Sunday, July 14th the worship service will be held at 8:30 am.  We will spend the remainder of the morning serving our community as an extension of our worship and love for God. Please set aside this date and make plans to serve. The projects will include:


  •          Build a Ramp with Community Housing Solutions on July 13th  & 14th.  Participants must be 16 years old and above and must be 18 to use the power tools.  Contact:  Jim Sandknop
  •           Mark storm drains with Creation Care Team.  15 to 20 volunteers are needed and welcome to help mark the storm drains in the neighborhood near the church. Contact Barbara McDonald
  •           Make kitchen/dining room tables for refugee homes.  Volunteers of all ages can help on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers that have portable table saws, planers, jointers or portable mitre saws are asked to bring them to use on Friday  and Saturday.   We need one of each.  On Sunday we will be sanding and finishing so no tools required but anyone willing to bring and operate your own electric sander will be welcome.   Contact:  Tommy Waldrop or David Saunders
  •           Meals for shut-ins and Weaver House.  Volunteers will be needed to prepare and deliver meals. Contact: Annette Lasley
  •           Help organize NCASC warehouse or Refugee Room in Church.  10 to 15 volunteers will be needed. Contact: Ronica Bowen
  •           Refurbish Bibles for Gideons.  Contact: Bill Brubaker
  •           Families and children will visit nursing homes/Assisted Living Facilities. They plan to do crafts, play bingo and other activities at Brookdale.  Contact: Laurin Allred
  •           Make cards to go out with meals for shut ins.    Contact:  Donna Ford