Building into the future!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are excited to share that on January 26, the congregation overwhelmingly voted to renovate an historic section of our building that holds profound significance for our church family: the Fellowship Hall, adjacent restrooms and entryway. 

While these areas of our church campus have been a beacon of faith, love, and service – really the heart of our community - for over 60 years, we have reached a point where our growing ministries require a revitalized space to prepare for the growth and impact we expect to occur in the next 60 years.

The Building Committee at Guilford College UMC proposed a set of improvements to:

  •        Create more space for relational ministry
  •        Increase safety, accessibility, and efficiency
  •        Enable more effective worship and ministry

How You Can Join the Vision

Read about the project

Peruse the materials about the Fellowship Hall Renovation Project. 

Letter from the Team

Project details and financial plan

Campaign Brochure

discover options

There are numerous ways to give to the project- some are even tax-advantaged.  

Ways to Give


To make a one-time gift, or to set up a recurring gift without creating a pledge, head to our specially-created giving page. 

Give Now

Pledge Your Support

We are accepting pledges toward the capital campaign for the Fellowship Hall Renovation. Making a pledge ensures the sustainability of the project through careful planning and faithful stewardship.

Make a Pledge